
Custom Report Development

How much more efficient would you be if you could tailor SAP Business One to your exact needs? What if you could research reports and analyze performance data easily to understand the state of your business better? Would you be able to free up desk space, have greater visibility on your day-to-day operations, and feel more confident about the accuracy of your data if you could import journal entries into SAP easily or automate documents/reports?  We can offer you custom SQL Reports, Crystal Reports and Layouts, so you can keep track of performances and have beautiful looking marketing documents at the same time…

Persvasive Analytics

Discover your business data and get your relevant information for making decisions – without leaving your system

  • On your own Cockpit
  • Fully integrated in Cockpit or sidebars
  • Personal-relevant Dashboards and KPIs
  • Real-time insights
  • Take direct action
  • Authorization based Dashboards and KPIs

SAP Crystal Reports

Crystal Reports can help you analyze your data by creating richly formatted, pixel-perfect and multi-page reports from virtually any data source, delivered in over a dozen formats.
▪ Tightly integrated
▪ Pixel-perfect
▪ Interactive reports
▪ Flexible reporting software
▪ Integrated viewer with accurate print preview
▪ Export to PDF, XML, and MS Excel

SAP SQL Queries

For enterprises, quickly and accurately accessing business information is vital. To this end, SAP provides an extensive portfolio of tools for report creation. We will help you to understand how these queries work and create quick and easy reports that will help you streamline your business and have the best possible insights into your business

SAP HANA Cockpit

SAP HANA Cockpit, aptly named after the control-center of an aircraft, serves as a single point of access for managing SAP HANA systems. The cockpit provides tools for database administration and monitoring, user management, system starts and stops, and system configuration. We can create custom cockpits for your users with only the data that they need/have to see to improve productivity. You get a wide range of selection of widgets which are made from custom or prebuilt queries. Not only that, but we can train you to create your custom KPI’s or use/edit existing ones.